
Moderatorka i Tłumaczka konferencyjna J. Angielskiego

Conference Moderator
& Event Host

in English & Polish

Company’s details:

Katarzyna Głuchowska
INTERALIA Translation & Services
NIP: 657-252-83-66
+48 502 171 907


With extensive experience in working with institutional and corporate clients, she brings to the stage the ability of tackling complex and multi- dimensional topics, manage energetic debates and dialogue and address cross-cultural issues.

Working as an interpreter she learned when to step back and make people shine but also how to take the lead, if required.

Using interaction as her tool to dig deeper for insights and content.

Her competence of a translator & interpreter allows her to make complex topics simple enough for everyone to participate.

Solid banking & financial background proven in multiple contexts.

Out of her flair for language’s, lingo will be dismantled quickly and effectively.


Natural high energy, positivity and a reputation of a knowledge digger.

Pragmatic by nature she will boil down the discussion to insights and practical takeaways.

Just as easily she will host playful formats, a festive get together or an award show.

Out of natural curiosity, always ready to stir things up and challenge the status quo in order to get to new insights.

Light-hearted with a serious business approach, she alternates light conversation with solid substantive arguments.

Beliefs & Favorite Quotes

Any moderator (& interpreter ) needs a hobby to pamper their ego. During events, it’s all about participants, not about the host.

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” Benjamin Franklin

“No matter whether I’m interpreting or moderating, my job is to shine the spotlight on my clients- it’s never about me.”

A little humor will make the content go down.

“Always be prepared to be amazed by people” Celeste Headlee

Favorite topics

business, start-ups, innovation, technologies, banking, finance, fintech, stock market, economy, insurance, insurtech, energy, energy transition, e-mobility, law, policy, sales, e-commerce, marketing, military, space, sport , lifestyle

Favorite formats

– conference moderation
– discussion panel
– interview
– commenting on events
– awards gala
– online events
and any non-standard forms

polish - speaking emcee

konferansjerka tłumaczka konferansjer w języku angielskim english - speaking emcee in poland

Katarzyna Głuchowska
INTERALIA Translation & Services

NIP: 657-252-83-66

+48 502 171 907

Katarzyna Głuchowska Tłumacz konferencyjny i przysięgły. Konferansjer. Moderator. Po polsku i angielsku Warszawa tel. +48 502 171 907 biuro@inter-alia.eu

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